1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that are stored on the user’s computer while browsing the internet. Cookies allow you to collect information about the navigation that users perform, and can even recognize the user’s computer or device even if the user changes their location or IP address.

Cookies are installed during browsing by some web pages and allow to know their activity both in the web from which they are installed, and in other pages with which it is related. As examples of the information they store, we can mention both the place and the device from which it is accessed, the connection time, the operating system or the pages most visited by the user.

Our services may eventually use your own and third-party cookies to provide you with a better experience when using the website. Cookies are small storage devices that are installed on your computer’s hard drive and are used to optimize our services. You may modify or block cookies at any time, although in this case your experience may be affected. Please read the cookie policy for more information.

This website (hereinafter, the “website”) uses cookies to collect information about the use of the website and to offer our services and improve your browsing experience. By using and browsing the website you accept and agree that CarterasdeAcciones.com store cookies on your computer or electronic device, for the aforementioned purposes.

The website is accessible without the need for you to accept cookies, although its deactivation may hinder the use of some of the functionalities of the website.

3. Types of cookies used on the website

The types of cookies inserted, both by CarterasdeAcciones.com as well as by third parties on the website, in order to provide information about them. Persistent cookies will remain on your device until your expiration date expires, at which time they will be automatically deleted.

TYPE OF COOKIES PURPOSE OWNERSHIP (own or third parties) OF SESSION OR PERSISTENTS Google Analytics Analysis From third parties _ga _gat sid

4. How to control cookies?

You may allow, query, block or remove cookies installed on your computer or device by us or by third parties by configuring your browser options. We offer you the following links, where you can get information on how to do it:

  • [Configuring cookies in Internet Explorer] (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9)
  • [Cookie settings in Chrome] (https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en)
  • [Configuring Cookies in Firefox] (https://support.mozilla.org/en/kb/enabled-and-disable-cookies-which-sites-we)
  • [Cookie Settings in Safari] (https://support.apple.com/kb/PH17191?locale=en_US)

CarterasdeAcciones.com reserves the right to modify the cookies policy at any time. Therefore, we request that you periodically consult the Cookies Policy to keep yourself informed.

6. Contact

If you use another web browser, you can obtain more information on how to configure the installation of cookies through the help or assistance section of your browser. If you need help setting up cookies, do not hesitate to contact CarterasdeAcciones.com via email of this site.

LabradaCarteras.com · info@labradacarteras.com
We use cookies to improve your experience and our services, analyzing the navigation on our website. If you continue browsing, we consider that it accepts its use. You can get more information by clicking here: Cookies