Terms of use

1. Data of the holder

Holder: LABRADA CARTERAS, S.L., hereinafter the Company.
Address: Pombal, 29, 4º Izq, Maniños-Fene, A Coruña
Registry data: A Coruña Mercantile Registry.

2. Acceptance of the Terms of Service

2.1. The use of this site, hereinafter the Website and / or the Company, as well as the contracting of the products and services offered through it, entails the acceptance of the present conditions of use. Please read them carefully. If you do not agree with any of these conditions, or have any doubt about them, please refrain from making any use of the website or from contracting any product or service.

2.2. Updating the Terms of Service. When important changes are made to these Terms of Service, registered users and those with current subscriptions will be duly informed by email.

2.3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all users and visitors to this website shall periodically review the most current valid version of the Terms of Service. The Company, at its discretion, may modify these Terms of Service and policies at any time, and you agree to be bound by these modifications or revisions.

2.4. The Company reserves the right to modify any aspect of the website, as well as to cancel, delete or stop publishing at any time, without any limitation.

2.5. The user agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of these Terms of Service, as well as all local laws, national and international regulations.

2.6. The user undertakes not to impersonate another person or organization, which may constitute a crime of phishing in accordance with the Spanish Penal Code. The information you provide for the contracting of products and services must be current, accurate and complete to allow the use of the website and manage, if appropriate, payments and charges derived from it.

2.7. The user undertakes not to circumvent, disable or interfere with the functions related to the security of the website that prevent or limit the use or copy of any content or to enforce the limitations of the use of the website or its content in the same.

2.8. The use of the account or the user is not allowed as a means of promoting or advertising products, services, affiliate programs or websites.

2.9. Access to the website is aimed at people over 18 years of age; the use by minors will be subject to the prior written consent of the legal representative.

2.10. Failure to comply with any of the conditions of these Terms and Conditions may result in suspension or cancellation of the user’s account, as well as the adoption of technical and legal measures to prevent their access to the website and the initiation of civil actions , administrative or criminal proceedings for damages caused or infringement of the rights of the Company or other users.

3. Purpose and Scope

3.1. The purpose of the website is the publication of Model Portfolios of securities, created by the Company or by third parties. Access to this information is not in the nature of legal or financial advice, nor is it equivalent to the contracting of an investment product or any other product or service that offers a return or economic payment of any amount by the Company or any third party.

3.2. The user will not acquire any rights over the Model Portfolios published on the website.

3.3. The data associated with the published Model Portfolios are provided by third parties, so the Company does not guarantee in any way its completeness, truthfulness or accuracy.

4. Subscription and price

4.1. Access to portfolios published on the website may be subject to the contracting and payment of a subscription, punctual or periodic.

4.2. The terms of payment and subscription will be those published at any time through the website. The Company may modify the price of subscriptions at any time, with a maximum of ten percent (10%) per year. Such modification shall be communicated to users at least one month in advance of the date of entry into force of the tariffs.

4.3. Failure to comply with the payment obligations, as well as the return of charges or direct debits, will entail the payment of the corresponding return and management expenses, as well as the suspension or cancellation - at the Company’s decision - of the User’s account.

4.4. Unless expressly stated otherwise, prices published on the website do not include VAT.

4.5. Acceptance of these conditions and payment of the corresponding price will grant the user immediate access to the electronic services of the website, so there is no right to withdraw or return any.

5. Intellectual and industrial property of the website

5.1. The Company owns the intellectual and industrial property rights, or has obtained the corresponding authorizations or licenses for its exploitation, on the domain name, the marks and distinctive signs, the application and the rest of works and inventions associated with the site web and the technology associated with it, as well as its contents, with the exception of the works and contents generated by the users, that belong to their corresponding authors, without prejudice of the rights of exploitation of the same that correspond to the Company.

5.2. The Company does not have intellectual property rights on the marks and signs registered by third parties.

5.3. When subscribing to a subscription, the user acquires a license to use it. This license does not authorize you to publish or reproduce the values ​​or results of the published portfolios, whose use is strictly personal and should be limited to the website.


6.1. The Company does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the website and services. When reasonably possible, the Company will first warn of interruptions in the operation of the website and services. The Company also does not guarantee the usefulness of the website and services for the performance of any particular activity, nor its infallibility and, in particular, but not exclusively, that users / clients can effectively use the website and services , access the different web pages that make up the website or those from which the services are provided.

6.2. The Website has been created and is operated as it has been designed by the Company; consequently, the Company does not assume any responsibility for damages and losses of any nature that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the portal and services, to non-compliance with the specific expectations or needs of users / customers and in particular, but not exclusively, failures in access to the different web pages of the portal or those from which the services are provided, when they are due to reasons beyond the company’s will.

6.3. The access and use of the services offered by the Company requires a computer or computer equipment and an internet connection. The expenses associated with these elements will be the sole responsibility of the users.

6.4. The information provided through the website is purely recreational and formative; the Company does not assume any responsibility for the decisions that the user can adopt based on the information published on the website.

6.5. The website may contain links to third-party websites that are not owned or controlled by the Company, which has no control over them, and assumes no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of the websites of third parties. In addition, the Company can not censor or edit the content of any third-party website. By using the website expressly excludes the Company from any and all liability arising from the use of any third party website.

6.6. The data provided to the user by the Company, on the performance of the Model Portfolios, have been obtained according to their best professional judgment, and do not guarantee, in any way, future benefits. The Company is expressly exempted by the user from any liability derived from the ultimate economic result obtained by the user, assuming that the operational losses that, as a consequence of the risk inherent in any investment in securities or by any circumstance, may occur. The user will always act at his own risk and happiness.

7. Legislation and applicable jurisdiction

7.1. The website is aimed at professional users, so its use is not allowed to individuals. Consequently, the obligations, rights and conditions described in this document are subject to Spanish law. In case of conflict, the competent courts and tribunals will be those of A Coruña, to the exclusion of any others.

7.2. If it is considered that a user is in his personal capacity as a consumer, he will be subject to the current legislation in this matter.

Privacy Policy

1. Ownership of the File, duty of information, purposes, data and information that is collected.

1.1. For the purposes of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the protection of personal data and Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information society services and electronic commerce and other provisions issued in its development , LABRADA CARTERAS, SL puts this privacy policy at your disposal so you can consult, download and print it whenever you want.

LABRADA CARTERAS, S.L. informs you that all data you provide through the website or site associated with it will become part of a file owned by LABRADA CARTERAS, S.L., which is duly registered with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

The collection and processing of personal data are carried out in order to manage the relationship with users and to administer, provide, extend and improve the services to which the user decides to subscribe or use.

1.2. LABRADA CARTERAS, S.L. may send you commercial communications on the products and services provided by the company by any means, including electronic. This consent is revocable, without retroactive effect, with the simple notification of your will to LABRADA CARTERAS, S.L.

The necessary mechanisms have been implemented so that users who require it can stop receiving any of the above communications at any time.

1.3. You guarantee that the information you provide is accurate and current and that it corresponds to your identity. All data requested in the forms of the website that do not appear as optional are mandatory in order to effectively manage the relationship with LABRADA CARTERAS, S.L.

1.4. LABRADA CARTERAS, S.L. it is not a company or financial or investment entity nor does it carry out any of the activities provided for in the legislation in force in the matter. Products and services offered to LABRADA CARTERAS, S.L. have a professional nature, as well as the data obtained from its users.

2. Rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (ARCO RIGHTS)

You can exercise at any time the rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation of the data being processed. For this, please send a letter indicating the right exercised to the email of this site, enclosing a copy of the National Identity Document or equivalent documentation that allows us to identify you.

3. Security and confidentiality measures.

LABRADA CARTERAS, S.L. has implemented all security measures, which are necessary and adequate to the state of knowledge of technology and current legislation, to ensure the security of personal data.

LabradaCarteras.com · info@labradacarteras.com
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